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Humidification of workshops of printing houses and paper mills

Humidification of workshops of printing houses and paper mills with the help of fog generation systems

The right microclimate in the printing shops is the quality of printing products and the health of the staff. The losses caused by fluctuations in humidity are so great that this problem has been given increased attention in recent years.

As for paper, cardboard and other cellulose-based products, the most suitable conditions will be a temperature of 20-21 °C and a relative humidity of 50-55%.

The absence of a humidity maintenance system leads to instability of air humidification in printing shops. This is an unobvious reason for the increase in marriage, even in modern and well-equipped enterprises, as a result of which their owners bear substantial surpluses.

In typographies with insufficient humidity, a number of problems arise:

· Paper dust. Insufficient humidity level in the room creates a condition for rapid drying of paper and the formation of dust. Paper dust accumulates in containers with paint and other surfaces, unprinted areas and other defects are formed. To eliminate these problems, it is necessary to stop printing machines.

·      Static electricity. Rolls, bobbins and bundles of paper during transportation, due to temperature fluctuations, accumulate an electric charge that is difficult to remove in a room with over-dried air. The generated electrostatic charges paper dust. Transferring the "voltage" throughout the shop, it disrupts the operation of electronic control units, complicates technological operations, reduces the efficiency of equipment.

·      Deterioration of the quality of the paper web. Paper is supplied from factories with a balanced humidity of about 46%. In a room with a dry microclimate, due to the high hygroscopicity of the paper, its drying and deformation immediately starts, the edges are wrapped, flatness is lost. There are regular failures and machine stops, paper waste and paint costs increase. The speed of printing operations slows down, the number of rejections increases, the cost of production increases.

·     Damage to cardboard. Cardboard is extremely susceptible to warping and changing its geometric parameters due to the rapid loss of moisture in rooms with dry air. This complicates the accurate and uniform application of images and dies, complicates the subsequent processing of products.

·     Deterioration of working conditions of the working staff. The low moisture content in the air makes the human body work with an increased load, causing rapid fatigue and overstrain. Such a climate reduces the protective functions of the mucous membranes before various infections, and dust provokes redness and pain in the eyes, as well as disorders of the respiratory system.

Together, these problems can significantly complicate the work of any textile production. Therefore, it is recommended to use a high-pressure misting nozzle system at textile enterprises.

The installation of a fog system at printing enterprises solves important tasks:

1.      Reduction of static electricity.Technological processes and equipment performance are being improved.

2.      Reducing the twisting of the ideformation. Paper becomes more docile in processing and the process of laying, cutting and packaging of paper products improves.

3.      Improving the quality of rolling. Processing and assembly of printing products becomes easier for us, which increases the profitability of printing production.

4.      Dimensional stability and better color transfer. In the optimal relative humidity of paper at 50-55%, with offset or digital printing, the paint falls much better on all types of paper.

5.      Dust suppression. Healthier working conditions and less technical maintenance of equipment.


Humidification of air by misting systems

high pressure is an economically justified method of maintaining optimal air humidity in the printing house. Water under high pressure is sprayed through the nozzles and turns into mist, humidifying and cooling the surrounding air.

The advantages of this humidification method are undeniable:

·    Water mist spreads evenly throughout the room, without droplet formation, drying printing products are not in danger.

·    The amount of water sprayed and the size of the mist particles are adjustable.

·    The intensity of humidification in different technological zones of a single room can be different. The required values are achieved by changing the number of nozzles.

·    The fog generation system is cheaper than energy-efficient industrial air conditioners, but consumes only 4 watts of electricity per one sprayed liter of water. Other humidification systems do not possess such indicators.

The main elements of high pressure misting systems are:

· high pressure pump,

· filters for water,

· high-pressure main and auxiliary pipelines,

· clamping,quick-release, threaded and reduction fittings

· spraying nozzles,

· system control unit,

· fasteners, etc. accessories according to the project

It is important to understand such an aspect as financial and production efficiency, when objective reasons indoors and outdoors create conditions unfavorable for printing presses in the polygraphic industry (industry). Fog-based solutions maintain a set humidity in printing houses, as well as in the production of paper and printing products, which reduces the cost of production.

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