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The use of fog generation systems in tobacco production

The use of fog generation systems in tobacco production


The relative humidity of the air in the cigarette production shops is the quality of tobacco products and the health of the staff.The losses caused by fluctuations in relative humidity are so great that this problem has been given increased attention in recent years.The lack of a humidity maintenance system leads to fluctuations in the relative humidity of the air in the workshops – this is very often an unobvious reason for the exaggeration of defects, even in modern and well-equipped enterprises.

Maintaining the required level of relative humidity of tobacco and cigarette products is crucial to preserve the quality of the product. Shrinkage, peeling, brittleness, splitting and weight loss are all the result of a reduced level of humidity in the environment and as a consequence, the dryness of the material.

If the correct moisture level of 55-75% is maintained, these problems can be prevented by ensuring that tobacco leaves and production equipment interact at a high level of efficiency. The optimal moisture content in tobacco is about 15% by weight. The addition of moisture in the production process is extremely important for the maintenance of tobacco corresponding to the first class.

Production of cigarettes. Tobacco and paper are hygroscopic materials, they lose moisture when the air is too dry. Such air worsens the properties of tobacco. Consequences: shrinkage, fragility and weight loss.The correct humidity level prevents tobacco from spilling out of cigarettes and paper from overheating on production machines.


The main reasons for low humidity in tobacco production:

- low outdoor humidity in the spring period. The heating system heats the air, while reducing the relative humidity in the room. The impact of these two factors reduces humidity to 15-30%;

- high outdoor temperature.The use of industrial air conditioners leads to condensation of moisture (dehumidification of the air). Most air conditioners circulate the room air through themselves, without the influx of outside air;

- large air exchange in the production workshop. At the same time, "dry" external air is supplied;

- removal of moisture by production technology;

- the operation of the production equipment raises the temperature in the room, lowering the humidity level;

- the main raw material (tobacco leaves) takes the moisture out of the air.

able to provide uniform humidity conditions. Very often, the premises are equipped with only one device with a limited coverage, as a result of which the distribution is uneven: excess moisture on products placed near, and such an effect on products located far away.

Mist humidification systems include hygrostats, pressure sensors, on and off timers, which allows you to maintain an optimal and uniform humidity level. Providing more efficient use of water, control of relative humidity and regulation of moisture content in the leaves, increases the efficiency of production. The systems do not require steam generators, air compressors or panel evaporators. Installation requires only the presence of electricity and water.

Advantages of high-pressure fog generation systems:

1.    Maintains an uneven relative humidity of the air without soaking raw materials or finished products;

2.    A standard power supply and water supply are required for the installation;

3.    Prevents dewatering of leaves;

4.    Leaves lose flexibility, which makes processing easier and faster;

5. Veins remain dry and brittle, do not collapse, reducing damage;

6.    Reduces the excessive use of paper on cigarette making machines;

7.    Uses little electricity, easy to maintain;

8.    Provides an uneven level of humidity;

9.    Simple modular installation in large and small spaces;

10. Humidification reduces the amount of dust, which provides healthier and more comfortable working conditions;

11. Cooling of production sites and workplaces Cool fog, which is created by the fog formation system, can provide a cooling effect of up to 12 ° C. This makes the environment more comfortable for work and increases the productivity of employees.


The complete set of the high pressure misting system includes:

·       High pressure pump;

·       High-pressure hose systems;

· Fine-dispersed nozzles;

· Fittings;

· Filters for water on the supply water supply;

·       Block control of the fog generation system;

· High-pressure ball valves;

·       Drainage valve;

·       Fasteners , etc. accessories according to the project.


The system of cooling and microclimate management at a tobacco enterprise is an excellent opportunity to increase productivity and profit. With the correct installation of the misting system, it is possible to achieve not only the possibility of regulating the temperature and humidity of the air, but also to successfully combat dust and odors.

Nozzle humidifiers of high-pressure air effectively solve one of the most important tasks in woodworking. With minimal installation and operation costs, such systems maintain an equilibrium moisture content at a given level throughout the year.

The fog system is easy to install and does not require complex maintenance. This will allow you to design and install it without stopping technological processes and production downtime.