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Fighting flying insects with the help of fog generation systems

Fighting flying insects with the help of fog formation systems

Outdoor recreation is an important component of modern man's life and leisure.  But some of its manifestations can spoil any holiday or picnic, poison the joy of being on the street with friends and sweets. Mosquitoes and midges will not appreciate the joy of communicating with a person in nature, they can completely spoil any pastime in the country or in a country house. You can hide from them only indoors, because often standard methods of dealing with them are completely non-functional.

The presence of insects causes harm and discomfort to both people and animals. The reasons for the fight against mosquitoes by ignus (mosquitoes, midges, horseflies ...):

·       Carriers of human diseases (malaria, miningitis, encephalitis, West Nile fever, leishmaniasis, helminthiasis, etc.);

·       Cause itching, burning, swelling and allergic reaction;

·       Painful bites are inflicted;

·       Causes discomfort. Interfere with continuous buzzing, especially at night;

·       In animal husbandry, the midge is a carrier of deadly infections: anthrax, tularemia, phyllaria, encephalitis, malaria, trypanosomiasis of birds, onchocerciasis of cattle, etc.;

·       The depletion of animals also causes concern, milk yield, fat content of milk and live weight gain decrease during the mass attack.

Timely processing of the territory is aimed at the destruction of insects, contributes to a more comfortable stay of people and animals outdoors in the warm and hot season.

There are many ways to fight mosquitoes for today. They are effective either in the fresh air or in public. Of course, it is worth choosing such means that would not harm people and animals. One of them is the system of fog formation.

Fog generation systems are only able to adjust climatic factors, providing coolness in windy hot weather or increasing the level of relative humidity.Thanks to their ability to work outdoors and serve largethey are also used to protect against annoying insects.

The high-pressure fog system does not just fill the air with droplets or water dust, which mosquitoes are able to overcome, but creates a dense fog consisting of an ice aerosol with particles of 5-15 microns. Being in a zone of dense fog, mosquitoes and midges lose their flying ability, which leads to the search for another flight route.

However, misting systems with incorrect design (for example, the nozzles were chosen with too large nozzles or installed at the wrong distance from each other) against mosquitoes may be ineffective. Also, the effectiveness of the fog system in the fight against insects may decrease if an object with an installed fog–forming system is located near a natural reservoir with benches or sedges - a favorite breeding ground for mosquitoes. In this case, the mist system should be completed with a dosing pump for spraying repellent.

The effect of repelling blood-sucking flying insects with the help of a misting system can be repeatedly intensified when spraying natural or artificial repellents. For this, a dosing pump is used – a drip dispenser injecting a natural (for example, essential oils) or artificial (insecticide concentrates) chemical composition into a high-pressure pump.

Insecticidal agents that are used in insect extermination systems have sanitary certificates and are allowed to be used in public catering establishments: cafes, restaurants, food industry enterprises.

With regard to protection against flying insects in open spaces, fog generation systems have practically no competitors. Of course, except for smoldering spirals or smoke-emitting devices that can poison the taste of barbecue or other dishes at a picnic or evening party, as well as personal "anti-mosquito" protection.

Where do they use misting systems for the destruction of insects

· conducting mass sports or entertainment events;

· exit ceremonies;

· in the evenings;

· pools and beaches;

· hotel territories;

· initial plots, house territory: on verandas, terraces, gazebos for a holiday.

What is the high-pressure misting system made of?

There is no specific one scheme of fog formation systems, since the scope of their application is diverse:cooling, humidification, dust suppression, catching odors and insects... It depends on the set goals and objectives for a certain object.

The complete set of the high-pressure misting system includes:

    A pump capable of delivering from 25 to 75 bar (high pressure pump);
  • High pressure hose system (100 bar);
  • Fine-dispersed nozzles (from 0.15 to 1);
  • Fittings;
  • Water filters on the supply water supply;
  • A fan that dispels fog – allows you to turn off part of the system;
  • The control unit of the fog generation system;
  • High pressure ball valves;
  • Drainage valve – prevents stagnation of water;
  • Fastening clamps, etc. accessories according to the project.

Fog systems can be installed on household plots, including along the habitats of mosquitoes and around the sites where events are planned. For this can be used:

  • Nylon mains with nozzles fixed along the edge of the canopy (roof) or stretched between the support posts.
  • Arches and totems for cooling open spaces.
  • Fog-forming fans.
  • Nozzles mounted on trees.

As a result of a small modification, fog generation systems acquire the ability to cope with scomars even near natural reservoirs, thereby providing comfort in the territories of recreation centers, summer cafes and on the plots of private houses. At the same time, a minimum of water and electricity is consumed, and the health of adults and children is not harmed.