We often write about wet cleaning - without it, cleanliness in the room is impossible. However, high-quality wet cleaning is preceded by dry cleaning. Let's take a closer look at what dry cleaning is and why it is necessary.

Without water and detergents

The name speaks for itself: dry cleaning is putting things in order without using water or any liquid detergents. In everyday life, we perform various operations from the arsenal of dry cleaning every day: brushing off dust with a brush, vacuuming, removing cobwebs from corners, sweeping, collecting garbage with our hands.
Dry cleaning should be done daily. It is this that allows a resident of a metropolis not to get bogged down in dust and debris that fly from windows and enter the house with shoes and on clothes.

Dry cleaning can be a separate event, or it can be the first stage before wet cleaning. For example, you can vacuum and dust every day - that's dry cleaning. Or you can brush off the dust and then wipe the surface with a damp cloth. This will refresh the furniture, humidify the air and remove dirt from all corners. The same is with the floor: you can simply vacuum it, or you can then wash the surface with a damp mop and detergent.

As a preliminary step before wet cleaning, “dry work” allows you to remove large some of the debris and prevent streaks that will inevitably arise if you immediately try to wipe off a layer of dust with a damp cloth.

Dry cleaning operations

The concept of “dry cleaning” is much broader than dusting surfaces and vacuuming . In addition, it includes:

  • Putting things in their places.
  • Placing order on the bed, sofa - sleeping place.
  • Placing order in closets and on the desktop.
  • Take out the trash.
  • Ventilate the room.

In principle, this is a set of daily actions to maintain order in the house. If there are no children or people with respiratory diseases in the house, daily dry and weekly wet cleaning is sufficient.

Professional dry cleaning

Dry cleaning is necessarily included in the list of services of any cleaning company. It is carried out both in apartments and houses, and during cleaning in organizations and in production.

Professional dry cleaning at home is:

  • Deep cleaning of carpets and floors. With the help of extractors and special brushes, the carpet pile is lifted, and dust particles, hairs, hair, crumbs and even dust mites are removed from it.
  • Deep cleaning of upholstered furniture Similarly: powerful technology allows you to deeply clean upholstery fabric without damaging it her.
  • Cleaning the ceiling and walls. Using special hair attachments, you can clean the ceiling and ceiling plinth, upper corners of the room, and complex elements (reliefs, stucco and their imitations) from dirt. Chandeliers and other lighting fixtures are successfully cleaned.
  • Cleaning items that cannot be washed with water. These can be paintings, tapestries, fabric and relief wallpaper, souvenirs, expensive equipment.
  • Dust removal of curtains. Technologies allow you to clean every fold without removing the curtains from the curtain rod.
  • Polishing floors, parquet and other items that require a mirror shine. And although various chemistry can be used here, these operations belong to the category of dry work.
  • Air purification using special devices: air purifiers, “dry fog”, etc.
  • In enterprises dry cleaning is used in industrial premises, after repairs and construction. Cleaning the cinema hall using backpack vacuum cleaners is also a type of dry cleaning.

Cleaning without using water is basic work, without which it is impossible to establish and maintain cleanliness. And we, without thinking about it, do them every day.