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Cooling of summer playgrounds and terraces in restaurants, cafes and hotels using fog generation systems

Cooling of summer playgrounds and terraces in restaurants, cafes and hotels using fog generation systems

Fog cooling with the help of fog generation systems is a great opportunity to create a comfortable microclimate on the outdoor terraces of cafes, restaurants and private houses, preserving the style and harmony of design. The fog systems are a powerful outdoor air conditioner. They significantly improve the atmosphere of visitors' stay at the summer grounds, bringing fresh coolness, pleasant humidity and suppressing city dust.

          It is recommended to install medium and high pressure fog generation systems at open customer service sites. They have a number of advantages over low-pressure fog systems, which are more suitable for owners of terraces and private houses due to cost-effectiveness and ease of installation.

Advantages of fog generation systems when cooling summer playgrounds:

1. Significant decrease in ambient temperature. Fog systems are based on the principle of evaporative cooling. Water, breaking into tiny droplets, takes the energy of heat from the air. A decrease in temperature by 6-15 degrees is the cooling effect that can be achieved in the climatic conditions of our region.


2.    Humidification of the air environment of the sites. Doctors recommend maintaining humidity at the level of 50-60% in areas where people stay for a long time.A comfortable microclimate will undoubtedly increase customer loyalty due to additional care for them.


3.    Suppression of dust, pollen and other harmful particles. Misting system nozzles spray the smallest particles of moisture, creating a veil from dust, insects and unpleasant odors. This is very important for guests who are prone to allergic reactions. Especially relevant for establishments located along highways and in dry climatic zones.


4.    Attracting a large number of visitors due to the visual composition of fog systems. The enveloping of terraces and summer playgrounds with spectacular fog tubers attracts the attention of passers-by and guests of the city. In hot weather, they will naturally make a choice in favor of your establishment.


5.    There are no drops and no direct effects of water on people. Unlike low-pressure fog systems, high-pressure fog formation (70-100 bar)creates droplets of 5-10 microns in size, which evaporate at lightning speed, not reaching contact with surfaces. And the sprayers of the system are equipped with anti-drip valves. As a result, customers and their tables and chairs remain dry.


6.    High-pressure fog systems are quite energy efficient, do not require large expenditures of water resources, are easy to install and maintain, and are also preserved for the cold season.



What is the fog formation system for outdoor areas?

There is no specific one scheme of fog formation systems, since the scope of their application is diverse:cooling, humidification, dust suppression, catching odors and insects... It depends on the set goals and objectives for a certain object. 

The diagram below shows the standard components of the misting system for lowering the temperature and humidifying the air on the summer grounds of restaurants or cafes.


The complete set of the high-pressure misting system for outdoor areas includes:

  • A pump capable of delivering from 25 to 75 bar (high pressure pump);
  • High pressure hose system (100 bar);
  • Fine-dispersed nozzles (from 0.15 to 1);
  • Fittings;
  • Water filters on the supply water supply;
  • A fan that dispels fog – allows you to turn off part of the system;
  • The control unit of the fog generation system;
  • High pressure ball valves;
  • Drainage valve – prevents stagnation of water;
  • Fastening clamps, etc. accessories according to the project.




This system perfectly copes with a decrease in temperature inside the terrace (summer playground), humidifies and cleanses the air from dust and harmful particles. It is ideal for cooling large gazebos and verandas. In combination with fans, such a fog system can cover large areas of indoor summer playgrounds. The cooling radius of the fan is 6-7 meters. This allows the cooled air to penetrate deep into the site and contributes to the forced ventilation of the frame.

If you are the owner of a cafe or a restaurant with a summer playground, a hotel with a courtyard, gazebos, sunbathing areas near the pool – this version of the fog generation system will create ideal conditions for the rest of your visitors and guests.